8.1 Logging Microsoft components
The MyID REST and authentication web services rely on a Microsoft stack, and you can add extra logging for these components to provide information on issues deeper in the stack (for example, JWT validation failures, or ASP.net infrastructure issues).
To enable this logging:
In a text editor, open the appsettings.Production.json file for the web service.
C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\<web service name>\appsettings.Production.json
where <web service name> is the name of the web service.
These files are the override configuration files for the appsettings.json files for the web services. If these files do not already exist, you must create them in the same folder as the appsettings.json files.
Add an entry for logging Microsoft components.
For example:
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Microsoft": "Information"
}Note: If you already have appsettings.Production.json files, add the Logging:LogLevel:Microsoft section to the existing file. The above example assumes that there are no other entries in the file.
This example adds logging information from all Microsoft components at Information level.
The supported log levels are different from the values in the Log.config file. From most detail to least, the options are:
Note: You must make sure that the Log.config file is configured to produce a log (see section 8, MyID REST and authentication web services), or the additional Microsoft logging information will not be logged.
For more information, search for the Logging in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core article on the Microsoft website.